We all met up just outside the beach at 2:00 pm to prepare for wheel dip. We then rode the last quarter mile as a large group of 26 down to the water. We all got in a line and dipped our front tires in the Pacific together. More than 4,000 miles after our wheel dip in the Atlantic, we tried to recreate some of the same moments. We took a lot of pictures with our bikes held over our heads and celebrated what we had accomplished over the last 2 1/2 months. After a little while some riders began getting back in the ocean and soon we were all in the water for one last swim together and a giant group hug.
We still had one last long evening ahead of us. After dinner we all got together as a group for the last time to give each other awards to remember great moments, have a big trivia games with fun facts about each other and the trip, and share any confessions we had about things from the trip that we had not shared with each other before. It was a great time to think back on the trip and all that we had experienced and to celebrate the time that we had spent together.