Saturday, June 22, 2019

Safety Nav

After 8 riding days we have all three now had a chance to ride in the van as the Safety Navigator. This task rotates through the riders and we each have to take a turn about every 6 ride days. Other riders are also trained to be van drivers although the three of us did not make the age cutoff. Our team has two vans and a trailer. The van and trailer start in the morning driving the whole route and drop off the trailer at the host church. The other van drives the the lunch spot to set up for the riders. When the vans have finished their tasks they follow along and support the riders. This support includes providing pickups for riders when necessary, assessing rider and road safety, and communicating and organizing the group. 

As the safety navigator, the main jobs are to assist the driver in following the route, to get out and chalk turns, and to watch out for the riders as we drive past. To many of us, this job seemed like a disappointment. We were all excited to ride and being stuck in the van isn’t as fun. However, this job is very important. The safety navigator assesses road conditions and takes notes to be used in future years. The pickups made by the van are also important when there is inclement weather, bike malfunctions, and when riders take too long to reach the host. When Dale was the safety nav the jack on the trailer broke. Dale and Dan (one of the leaders) had to get the trailer unhitched and go buy a new jack on their way through one of the small towns along the route. 

In addition to being a valuable part of the team, being the safety navigator has its own excitement. They cheer on the other riders as they come by, often accompanied by honking from the driver. The van crews also have a chance to relax throughout the day and can see more of the towns we pass through. 

I was a safety nav with Megan, one the leaders. We had a slightly different experience because we crossed a river on a ferry that day. When we made it to the host we couldn’t cross back over the river. Instead we got a few hours to install the new jack on the trailer and explore. We spent time walking around a waterfall, investigating the Star Trek museum, going to lunch, and napping on a dock by the ferry waiting for the last group to ride through. That day was also special because we crossed out of Vermont and into New York. Since there was no state sign when we entered Vermont, we got some pictures leaving. 

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